Did you know pineapples were once the fruit of riches?
This means they were so expensive that only the rich could afford them. But now, they can be easily bought from the market.
So, how to tell if pineapple is bad?
Look for signs of spoilage. If it smells rotten or shows signs of mold then the pineapple is bad. Apart from this, if the fruit appears squishy or you see a leak, then its time to say goodbye to it.
If you want to know more about pineapples, you are in the right place. This article will discuss how long pineapples last and how to store them.
So let’s get started.
Know about the Shelf Life and Storage of Pineapple
Pineapple is loaded with many nutrients and has various health benefits. Apart from nutrients, they also have high liquid content, keeping you cool throughout. But because of their high water content, these fruits tend to have a short shelf life. Thus, knowing how long they last and how to store them will help keep them fresh for longer.
1. Whole Pineapple
Have you ever bought a pineapple and left it on the kitchen counter? Well, you are not alone. Once I bought a fresh pineapple and left it on the kitchen top, only to find out the rind had become squishy. This made me wonder: how long does a whole pineapple last? A freshly bought one can last for 2 to 3 days at room temperature. However, the rotting process will take a quick start after a couple of days.
Refrigerating the whole fruit can make them last longer. But at room temperature, pineapple will last up to 4-5 days or a week in the refrigerator. Even with the thick grind, pineapples tend to bruise easily. Therefore, to keep the fruit safe, avoid piling anything on top of them.
2. Pineapple Chunks or Slices
If you chop up a pineapple, you should consume it within an hour or two. Leaving the chunks/slices for more than a few hours will make it taste unpleasant. But what if you can not consume all the chopped slices at once? In that case, refrigerate the remaining slices to maintain their freshness. Refrigerating them can last 4-5 days, but the taste will change over time.
To store the pineapple in the fridge, place the chunks in an airtight container. You can also use a zip-lock bag to refrigerate the fruit pieces. But before putting the bag in the fridge, squeeze out any remaining air.
Tip: Tired of the pineapple slices turning brown? Before placing the pieces into the fridge, coat the pineapple with citrus juice. This will help the pieces retain their yellow color, keeping them as fresh as new.
Can you freeze the pineapples?
Yes. Freezing pineapples is a good option if you want to store them for longer. Put the chopped fruit pieces in a covered container and place them in the freezer. You can also use a resealable plastic or freezer bag to store the leftover chunks. Freezing the pineapple can last up to 3-5 months in the freezer. However, the quality of the fruit may go down over time.
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Can You Eat Overripe Pineapples?
Eating ripe pineapples or overripe ones is a personal choice. But how do you know whether a pineapple is overripe or spoiled? Overripe pineapples will taste sweet and mushy but won’t make you sick. However, toss it away if your overripe pineapple has a funny smell or taste. You can eat or make fresh juice if the pineapple tastes normal.
To identify an overripe pineapple, look for the leaves and spots. The leaves will dry out; the pulp will become soft with the appearance of a few brown spots. If you see these signs in pineapples, they are edible, even if they are overripe.
How To Tell If Pineapple Is Bad? 5 Signs to look for
The first thing to know about your pineapple’s life is how long it was plucked. Even though the rind is thick, it is one of the fruits that go bad soon. So if you have this tropical fruit in your fridge for more than 5 days, chances are it is already ruined. To identify a rotten pineapple, look for the following signs.
1. The Pineapple appears Moldy
While buying a pineapple or looking at the one in your home, molds are a big no-no. If you see mold on the rind, the pulp might already be long gone. You can identify molds if the skin has a foamy texture. Throw the pineapple that shows molds at once.
2. Your Pineapple Starts to Give off a Funny Smell
Like any other tropical fruit, pineapples smell sweet and delicious. If your tropical fruit smells other than sweet, say sour or vinegary, throw it away. A bad-smelling pineapple means the fruit is past its prime.
3. Look for Spots
Pineapple is a colorful fruit displaying tropical colors like green, yellow, and orange. So if you see the fruit taking a dark yellow or brownish shade, toss it away. The fresh tropical color might also turn grey or ashy in several parts.
4. The Pineapple will start to Lose the Juice
A bad pineapple starts to leak its water content when it goes bad. So if the fruit feels wet or moist, it has gone bad.
5. It’s Too Soft When You Press It
If the pineapple is slightly squishy, it is fully ripe. Even if it is overripe, it will show slight firmness. But if you feel the skin is too mushy or soggy, it is time to say bye-bye. If the press easily penetrates, throw away the fruit.
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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Q1. Can you eat slightly bad pineapple?
Ans. A bad pineapple will have a dark yellow or brownish pulp. The pineapple is edible if the pulp does not give off a sour odor and still has bright yellow pulp. But if the pulp is mostly mushy and brown, it must be tossed away.
Q2. When should you not eat pineapple?
Ans. The consumption of pineapple should be avoided by people taking antibiotics, anticoagulants, benzodiazepines, anticonvulsants, blood thinners, barbiturates, insomnia drugs, or tricyclic antidepressants. According to Healthline, Pineapples should also be avoided by pregnant women or women who are trying to conceive.
Q3. Is it OK to eat overripe pineapple?
Ans. Yes. Pineapples are safe to consume if they are overripe. But before you consume an overripe pineapple, make sure it does not have mold spots. Moldy, overripened fruits are likely to make you sick if you eat them.
Q4. What happens when pineapple goes bad?
Ans. A bad pineapple will have dry brown leaves on the crown while the pulp dries out. A pungent, sour smell will replace the sweet aroma of pineapple. The pulp will show signs of discoloration and will appear dark yellow or brown.
Q5. What does an overripe pineapple look like?
Ans. A perfect pineapple will have tropical hues: shades of orange and light yellow. On the other hand, overripe ones will have a dark yellow/brownish tint. Compared to ripened pineapple, an overripe one will have a mushy and soggy pulp.
The Bottom Line
Pineapples are one of the most delicious tropical fruit, full of incredible flavor. Fresh pineapple will look plump, while the sweet smell will tempt you to eat it immediately. However, make sure the fruit is fresh and good to eat. To know if the pineapple is fresh, look for the signs of spoilage. It isn’t good if you see the tropical fruit giving off a sour smell or signs of mold.
To extend the life of your pineapple, put them in the fridge. Don’t forget to freeze the chopped pineapples if you want to store them for longer. As long as you know the correct way to store these tropical fruits, you can consume them before it goes bad.